How many days has it been since the start of circuit breaker? We lost count. But things to do at home are slowly running out. You’ve mastered that online game and you’ve probably tried cooking and baking something. Why not try to use all this extra time to learn some skills and do some lifelong learning with these free courses? It’s better than lazing around counting down the days till bubble tea shops open again in June.
Here are 7 websites with free courses to upgrade yourself:

Coursera is an online learning site that partners with several universities and well-known establishments to offer online courses.
Abstract Painting
You can learn from the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) the materials, techniques, and approaches of seven New York School artists who made abstract paintings. Through this course, you’ll get to hone your visual analysis skills as well.
Take the course here
Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies & Skills
This course from the University of Michigan teaches you the steps to a successful negotiation. Learn from short videos and practice with a friend (over Skype or Zoom) the hands-on exercises. After you’re done, take the final exam and you’ll be awarded a Course Certificate.
Take the course here
Build Your First Android App
If you’re a more hands-on person, why not try building your first Android App? Don’t worry if you’re an iPhone user, the course uses a software to emulate the Android interface.
This is one of Coursera’s project-centred courses, which means you’ll learn as you go along the course, and by the end of the course, you’ll have a completed project that you can show to your friends and family.
Take the course here
The Arts and Science of Relationships: Understanding Human Needs
Feeling emotionally down and sad from all the staying at home due to COVID-19? Well, there’s actually huge research behind the psychology and science when it comes to relationships.
This course from the University of Toronto goes through basic concepts of The Strategies and Skills Learning and Development System (SSLD) and its relevance for every day relationships
Take the course here
edX is an open online course provider. It hosts online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines ranging from Python basics to public speaking.
Here are some of the popular Python courses such as: Introduction to Python: Fundamentals and Python Basics for Data Science.
For those who know little to nothing about Microsoft Excel may want to check out the Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel course. This popular analytic tool is used by many people around the world, so you should definitely learn the basics.
Other interesting courses include Public Speaking, which teaches you practical skills such as how to reduce anxiety levels before giving a presentation.
Harvard University
Harvard has released a range of courses during this COVID-19 pandemic for anyone who wants to upgrade themselves.
One of the first few courses that caught our eyes was this: Lessons from Ebola: Preventing the Next Pandemic.
Harvard also has a range of Data Science courses, focusing on different content such as Productivity Tools where you get to learn how to produce reproducible reports using Github, git, Unix/Linux and RStudio. Other Data Science courses include tools such as machine learning, visualization and probability
If you’ve always been interested in how the brain works, try out this course on the Fundamentals of Neuroscience. They even have a DIY Lab session you can do at home!
One of the most valuable things to learn is a new language. Especially if you’re intending to visit various countries in the future. Mastering the basics could be useful when in a foreign land.
Duolingo offers 94 different language courses in 23 languages. Start your language learning journey here.
Facebook Blueprint

Did you know Facebook has free resources where you can learn digital marketing skills? From creating a Facebook page to boost your business to lessons on how to advertise on Instagram.
This is a good skill to have as most businesses have moved online.
Microsoft Virtual Academy
How many of you really know Microsoft Office inside out? This course on Microsoft 365 Fundamentals will go through how to manage security and compliance tools in Microsoft 365.
According to the Microsoft website, you will get to learn new skills and discover the power of Microsoft products with step-by-step guidance.
Google Digital Garage

Learn some of the most in-demand skills such as Digital Marketing through Google Digital Garage.
This period may be difficult for fresh graduates to land a job, but the career development module from Google may be a good way to keep yourself in tip-top condition.
Interesting courses include:
- Intro to Digital Wellbeing
- Foundations of Everyday Leadership
- Using Creative Problem Solving
The most useful course from the Digital Garage would be the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing course which includes a certification at the end of the course.
If you’re thinking of learning some digital skills, FutureLearn might just be the website for you. From basic courses such as The Digital Skills for Work and Life Course to more advanced topics like Artificial Intelligence, there’s a course for everyone. FutureLearn’s social media course was also recently included in the UKs DfE’s Skills Toolkit. So if you’re thinking of finding a job in the digital sector, you might want to head over to FutureLearn to improve your resume.
There you have it. Some interesting websites to start browsing for a course you may be interested in. It’s not a bad idea to gain some new skills and insights while stuck at home.
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