
Is The Covid Situation Causing Me To Have Stress-Induced Hair Loss?

Are you the kind of person that worries a lot during this pandemic (soon to be endemic)? Back when community cases were rising, I found myself worrying about every move I make. Will I end up visiting a place that might cause me to be exposed to Covid-19? What if I touched something and forgot to sanitize my hands?

Well, you’re not alone.

The uncertainty of Covid-19 is something that has caused lots of Singaporeans stress. Which leads me to the question…

Does Stress Contribute to Hair Loss?

I didn’t realize this, but one fine day I saw the amount of hair near my desk and on the floor and thought this was way more than usual.

A quick search online revealed that stress does contribute to hair loss and that lots of people from around the world have been reporting hair loss concerns due to the Covid-19 pandemic. *internal panicking*

Other Contributing Factors

While the pandemic cannot be the only reason contributing to the sudden increase amount of hair loss, it was the starting point for lots of other factors.

  1. The situation got people to start working from home, me included, which meant a blurred line between work and play.
  2. I found myself working more and having less time for well-balanced meals. Instant foods such as ramyeon became more common in my lifestyle.
  3. Eating spicy/oily foods became a way for me to relieve stress.

Ways To Combat Hair Loss During This Pandemic

Well, the good news is, it’s never too late to start doing something! Here are a couple of ways on how to prevent hair loss:


Some people turn to supplements such as Biotin and Collagen, which is said to help in terms of hair growth. However, make sure to speak to your doctor before consuming any supplements you’re not unsure about.

Properly Caring for your Hair & Scalp

While it might take some time for supplements to show effect, one of the things you can proactively start doing is properly caring for your hair and scalp.

This includes things like thoroughly cleaning your scalp, washing your hair with the right shampoos, or just giving yourself a head massage every now and then.

However, if you want more professional help for your hair and scalp, you can always turn to hair experts for a treatment session.

Beijing 101 Hair & Scalp Revival Treatment

I decided to head to Beijing 101 Hair Consultants to try out their Hair & Scalp Revival Treatment since the amount of hair loss has been on my mind the past few days.

Long story short: I faced some uncomfortable truths when I was there.

After filling in a quick questionnaire, the staff helped to analyze my scalp condition and told me that I had an oily scalp and maybe a case of dandruff. (what?!)

1 to 1 Hair & Scalp Analysis

While looking at my scalp up-close was slightly awkward, it helped me realise that I do need to start taking care of my scalp and hair seriously.

The Beijing 101 hair consultant also reiterated that stress does contribute to hair loss, especially if one consumes lots of spicy and oily food to “destress”. (Guilty as charged)

For today, I’ll be undergoing a cleansing session to remove excess oil from the pores, followed by a quick treatment session.

Applying a hair mask for my scalp

I did a 20-min hair mask to remove oily debris on my scalp. Just when I thought I’ll be done after the shampooing step, the hair consultant used something known as Long Dan, a TCM herb, to rinse my scalp.

101 Herbal Hair Wash

The herb is said to be great for inflamed scalp and those with pimples on their scalp.

The best part of the treatment was the application of a hair tonic which came with a meridian point scalp massage. It relieved a lot of the tension and made me so comfortable.

101 Meridian Scalp Massage

She also let me know a few meridian points that I can massage on, if I have trouble sleeping!

Before: Oily and clogged pores
After: Less clogged pores and scalp looks less oily

As you can see, the treatment helped to remove the excess oil and my scalp looks cleaner overall. I also felt more refreshed thanks to the massage!

Balanced Diet

Other than the above-mentioned methods to combat hair loss, it’s also important to have a balanced diet. Instead of instant foods and fast food, a diet of leafy greens, nuts and seeds are great for your hair.

Lee Young-Ja, a famous Korean comedian in her 50s, still has a head full of healthy jet-black hair, and she credits it to her consumption of black bean shakes daily.

How To Prevent Hair Loss

While it’s disheartening to know that stress can contribute to hair loss, it doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything about it.

Some of these ways to prevent hair loss can be done through simple steps daily, while some can be done within a few hours. It felt great to set aside some time to receive a scalp treatment, relax knowing that it helps with preventing hair loss. Not to mention the soothing massage and naps that come with it!


MiddleClass Exclusive Promo

For anyone who’s facing hair loss concerns, you too can experience the Hair & Scalp Revival Treatment, now at a price of $40 nett (U.P. $502) with a FREE $10 FairPrice voucher! Click here to enjoy this promotion and treat your scalp to some tender loving care!


*This article is brought to you in partnership with Beijing 101 Hair Consultants.

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