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How Much Exercise Is Needed To Burn Off These Snacks?

Photo Credit: Left | cottonbro from Pexels, Center | Chelsea Audibert on Unsplash

Be it at home or at the office, we often find ourselves heading to the kitchen or the pantry to find some snacks. Usually in the form of cookies or chips, some of these snacks may seem harmless but are actually full of calories.

We were curious at how much exercise is needed to burn off the snacks we consume. Hence, calculations were made using data from various websites such as Healthline, Livestrong and MyFitnessPal to see how much exercise is needed to burn away these calories.

We based our calculations on estimates, such that each sit-up burns around 0.2 calories, while each push-up burns approximately 0.3 calories. However, depending on your weight as well as the intensity of exercise, the number of calories burnt will differ from person to person.

Kindly note that all calculations are based on an estimate. 

Pocky Sticks – Chocolate Flavour

1 Pack of Chocolate Flavoured Pocky Sticks is around 120 calories. This means:

Pocky Sticks – Cookies and Cream Flavour

1 Pack of Cookies and Cream Flavoured Pocky Sticks is around 200 calories. This means:

Wang Wang Rice Crackers

2 pieces of Wang Wang Rice Crackers is roughly 36 calories. This means:

Photo by Isabela Kronemberger on Unsplash

Dalgona Coffee

The unofficial drink of quarantine season. According to the Philippine Association of Nutrition, a serving of Dalgona Coffee has approximately 374 Calories. This means:

Calbee Prawn Crackers

A pack of Calbee Prawn Crackers is roughly 150 calories. This means:

Meiji Yan Yan – Strawberry Flavour

One serving of Meiji Yan Yan Strawberry is roughly 260 calories. This means:


3 pieces of Oreo biscuits is roughly 141 calories. This means:

Khong Guan Lemon Puffs

2 pieces of Khong Guan Lemon Puffs is roughly 116 calories. This means:

Cheese Twisties (Mini Bag)

One mini bag of Cheese Twisties is around 80 calories. This means:

Julie’s Peanut Butter Crackers

4 pieces of Julie’s Peanut Butter Crackers is around 160 calories. This means:

Kettle Honey Dijon Chips

1 serving (~13 chips) of Kettle’s Honey Dijon Chips is around 140 calories. This means:

Super Ring

One packet of Super Ring (60g) is roughly 360 calories. This means:

Pringles (Original)

One serving of Pringles Original (15~16 chips) is roughly 140 calories. This means:

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Nature’s Wonders Baked Almonds

One serving (30g, 23 to 24 almonds) of baked almonds is approximately 150 calories. This means:

Hello Panda Chocolate

10 pieces of Hello Panda Chocolate biscuits is roughly 160 calories. This means:

With all these numbers, you might want to think twice before reaching for that pack of chips.

Running, cycling or doing sit-ups is not the only way to burn calories. Please do not do 800 sit-ups at one go to burn off those 10 pieces of Hello Panda snacks. Life is all about balance.

Good news is, you can burn calories even while laughing. 15 minutes of laughter a day can burn around 10 to 40 calories. So, don’t take life so seriously, walk more, laugh more and you’ll burn some calories from time to time.

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