
Cafe Hallasan: Cafe in Jeju Near Sehwa Beach With IG-Worthy TV Photo Spot

There are so many cafes in Korea that it’s difficult to choose one to visit. So how does one stand out or attract customers? Well, in Korea, popular cafes usually have something “Instagrammable”. It can be aesthetically pleasing drinks or insta-worthy photo spots. For Cafe Hallasan, it’s an old school television.

Where Is Cafe Hallasan?

Sehwa Beach near Cafe Hallasan Jeju

Despite its name, Cafe Hallasan is nowhere near the actual Halla mountain. The Jeju cafe is located near Sehwa beach, a lesser-known beach in the Northeast region of Jeju.

Sehwa Beach is known for its clean waters and black volcanic basalt rocks. After visiting the cafe, you can head over to the beach and experience it for yourself!

Instagram Worthy Cafe In Jeju

Cafe Hallasan has a famous/viral photo-taking spot: The GoldStar Television. Visitors from all over the world like to frame themselves to look as though they appear on television.

From this part of the café, you can also experience the whole of Sehwa beach.

The cafe also has lots of other antique-looking decorations such as an old-school computer that constantly plays Black and White cartoons.

Cafe Hallasan consists of two spaces side by side. The smaller building is the one with the iconic TV photo spot while the larger building is where you place your orders.

The larger building does have a few windows where you can get a view of Sehwa beach, but we did prefer the space with the old-school TV.

The outer area is decorated with some lights and has a bench where you can enjoy your drink with an unobstructed view of Sehwa beach.

Menu At Cafe Hallasan

The signature menu here is their carrot cake (6,500won). Also since you’re in Jeju, why not try some of their Hallabong items such as the Hallabong Iced Tea (6,500won) or the Hallabong Cocktail (9,000won).

The cocktail is served in a Hallasan glass soju bottle with a cup of ice on the side.

The last we visited Cafe Hallasan, they provided cup sleeves for our drinks that combined to say “우리 제주 여행중” which directly translates to ‘we’re currently travelling in Jeju’ which makes for a great photo memory.

Things To Do Nearby Sehwa Beach

If you’re looking for things to do nearby after visiting the cafe, why not take some time to learn more about one of Jeju’s most iconic cultures – Haenyeo (Women Divers of Jeju).

Located just behind Cafe Hallasan is the Haenyeo (Jeju Women Divers) Museum.

Cafe Hallasan
48 Myeonsu 1-gil, Gujwa-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, South Korea
Mon-Sun, 9:30am-9pm

While it looks like a trip to Korea may not be happening anytime soon, you can still experience Korea right here in Singapore through these places:

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