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Treating Your Feet: When Should I See a Podiatrist?

Even with the hours that we spend on our feet, these body parts are usually often neglected.  After all, aside from the usual toenail trim, how often do we actually go out of our way to take care of the skin or muscles in our feet? This is why many people suffer from a number of problems with their feet and ankles. Even worse, some people even believe that persistent discomfort on their feet is normal when that is far from the truth.

But aside from skin-related issues on your feet, there are more than a few good reasons to see a podiatrist. With approximately 80 podiatrists working in Singapore, finding treatment for your feet is more than possible. If you have one or more of the following issues, you should start looking for a podiatry clinic Singapore patients can visit in your area to have it treated:

1. Numbness and swelling on one foot.

Normal foot pain occurs occasionally, like after running a marathon or a day of walking around the city. However, sudden numbness or swelling on one or both of your feet for no apparent reason can be a sign of something worse. Definitely visit a podiatrist if you begin to feel these symptoms unexpectedly.

2. Foot and ankle injuries.

While the normal assumption is to visit an orthopedist for these kinds of injuries, a podiatrist can provide more specialized care. Orthopaedic care looks at feet in relation to the spine, back, and knees. On the other hand, podiatrists really focus on the feet and ankles, including muscles, blood vessels, and nerves. If ever you need surgery, a podiatrist will be the one carrying out the procedure too. That’s why it is essential to go to a podiatrist before an orthopedist. A podiatrist can more accurately examine your injury and prescribe a better treatment plan.

3. Nail fungus.

If you wear closed shoes and socks often, you are more susceptible to getting nail fungus on your big toe. While common, a fungal infection should be treated before it gets worse. A severe fungal infection on the other hand can cause toenails to become discoloured and hard to maintain while causing discomfort as well. A podiatrist will likely prescribe topical medications or perform minor surgery in order to take care of nail fungus.

4. Ingrown toenails.

If left untreated, an ingrown toenail can make it painful for people to walk or even stand. This is especially the case for seniors and people with disabilities. Though it can be tempting to take care of an ingrown toenail by yourself, you might end up injuring yourself or making it work. The proper treatment and removal of an ingrown toenail can be done by a podiatrist, and they know how to do it with less pain and to prevent it from happening again.

5. Constant joint pain.

Normally, pain around the joints of your feet and ankles is nothing to fuss about since it can easily be treated by anti-inflammatory medicine. However, it can also be an indication of something more serious if the pain doesn’t go away. You might need to get an x-ray of your foot or ankle and have it evaluated by a podiatrist, just to be on the safe side. Since podiatrists have a better understanding of how muscles and nerves connect in this area of your body, they are able to give you a clearer diagnosis.

6. Recurring athlete’s foot.

While common and easily treatable, an athlete’s foot can keep coming back for some patients and this necessitates a trip to the podiatrist. Being experts on the skin in the foot area, a podiatrist can prescribe better medication (both oral and cream medications usually). Moreover, a podiatrist can also check if the athlete’s foot is being caused by a bacterial infection, so they can prescribe antibiotics too.

7. Bunions, corns, and calluses.

Any bit of hard skin that develops on the feet can be painful, bothersome, and uncomfortable, especially when left untreated. A podiatrist knows how to take care of these foot issues and can provide treatment in the form of temporary relief, maintenance work, and permanent solutions.

8. Diabetes.

If you have Type I or Type II diabetes, you are more susceptible to foot problems and will need to include a dependable podiatrist in your treatment plan. This is because you are more at risk of getting extremely dry skin and other infections that may result in amputation if left untreated. By having regular checkups with your podiatrist, any issue can be spotted and treated right away, so you can keep your feet and legs as healthy as possible.

Your feet do so much for you every day. It’s important to take good care of them by addressing any issues that you have with them right away. Whether your problems with your feet and ankles are surface-level or deadly serious, a visit to your local podiatry clinic will get you the proper treatment that you need for them.


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