The earth is dying. It’s a fact that most of us know by now. Earlier this year, there was a video published by CNA Insider. We watched the video and honestly? The thought of our kids having to live in a 35 to 37 degrees environment in the future scares us. We are literally sweating buckets just by thinking about it.
Credit: CNA Insider on Youtube
If we don’t start to care about the Earth, we would be plagued by consequences. In fact, some serious consequences have already been felt by all of us. The level of carbon emissions have hit over the roof over the years. Icebergs have been melting and sea levels are continually rising. On top of that, the dumping of plastics in the oceans and seas have led to the consumption of microplastics by sea creatures. Eventually, we human beings who feed on these animals end up consuming microplastics as well.
So tell us, if we don’t start saving the Earth now, who else would?
SG Climate Rally

Taking things into their own hands is a group of 20 environmentally-conscious Singaporeans from all walks of life. People like students, lawyers, programmers have come together to form SG Climate Rally. The rally that took place on 21st Sep, saw a turnout of more than 2000 Singaporeans.
SG Climate Rally’s ultimate purpose is to slash Singapore’s absolute greenhouse gas emissions to peak by 2020, halve by 2030, and reach net zero by 2050. A more detailed version of their call to actions can be viewed here.
The SG Climate Rally also allowed participants who were unaware of the current climate crisis to learn more through educational activities. Activities included Writing a Postcard to my MP, to urge for bolder climate action in Singapore. A community mural painting space and interactive games were also available to help raise awareness on global warming and climate change. Children under 12 also enjoyed several environment-themed stories to learn more about the natural world.
The highlight of the rally was probably the Die-In, where attendees collapsed down domino-style. This was to showcase the interconnectedness of our living planet and to emphasise the fact how every action will bear a consequence.
Rally-goers also found pleasure in a community picnic at the park where everyone brought their own food (packaged in reusable containers of course!)
What Is Being Done Right Now
We believe the government can do more for this distressing climate crisis as well. But as individuals of this planet, we all hold a certain responsibility in doing our part. Instead of waiting for new laws to be formed, let’s turn our attention to what we as humans can do to save the earth.
In Singapore, we have started seeing huge corporations play their part for the environment. McDonald’s started reducing the usage of plastic straws and bags for some of their outlets, following KFC’s decision to completely remove plastic straws in all outlets islandwide. FairPrice has also embarked on a trial where a small fee is imposed for consumers who choose to use plastic bags for their groceries at several FairPrice outlets. Even popular bubble tea chain, such as Koi, is trying hard to reduce their carbon footprints. They will only provide a plastic bag for any beverage bought upon customer’s request.
Another way in which brands can encourage you to reduce one-time plastic usage for your beverage is by offering you a discount when you bring your own bottle/tumbler. Starbucks Coffee is a classic company doing this – customers get to enjoy a 50 cents off their beverage if they brought their Starbucks tumbler along.
3 Simple Ways You Can Save The Earth
Reduce Paper Wastage
A simple gesture like not opting to have your receipt printed when withdrawing money at ATMs goes a long way for repeated withdrawals. We realised that most people would just check their receipt, and throw it into the bin immediately. It’s super convenient to check your account balance and screenshot the proof of your balance nowadays, so if there is no need to, don’t print the receipt! It is not difficult to make a little switch like this to our lives.
Another good practice is to use both sides of paper, before recycling them.
Reduce One-Time Plastic Usage
A lot of Singaporeans may not notice this, but the consumption of plastic is due to convenience sought by all of us. We have grown accustomed to convenience and a certain form of lifestyle; hence it is difficult to go green (at least in the beginning).
Simple acts like using a refillable water bottle or a travel mug reduce one-time plastic usage. Instead of buying mineral water bottles and throwing them away, again and again, carry your own and refill it.
Now that FairPrice is also charging for plastic bags, perhaps it is the perfect time for one to start going green! Start bringing your own reusable shopping bags and you can save a couple of cents too.
We also see more of our colleagues bringing their own food containers from home to dabao their food at hawker centres.
Reducing the usage of metal straws was most probably the hottest topic a couple of months back. Now that plastic straws are taken out from more fast food restaurants, it seems to be the norm sipping on a metal straw. If you don’t have one, simply drink it without the straw, there’s not much of a difference frankly.
Reduce Unnecessary Electricity Wastage
Electricity runs our lives. With the constant improvement in technology, we need electricity more than ever. It might be hard, but it is not impossible to save electricity with these little tips!
Kill two birds with one stone by using energy-efficient light bulbs. Turn off the switches whenever an electrical appliance is not in use. You not only get to save on electricity but on your electricity bill as well!
We understand that Singapore is a pool of heat. Naturally, our instinct to set our air-conditioners to the lowest temperature. We do understand your pain point, but let’s try to make a compromise by setting the temperature to one which is not too low but yet comfortable.
Lastly, the simplest thing we can all do is to recycle certain items such as glass and plastic. Do not misuse the recycling bins in your neighbourhood and throw rubbish in them!
As small as these actions may seem right now, they eventually accumulate to become something greater with impact. Let’s try our best to save the Earth so that our kids can live comfortably in the future.
What are your tips to save the earth? Share them with everyone so we can all learn and play our part!