
Injeolmi Choco Pie & Black Sesame Choco Pie – Is It Worth Trying?

Flatlay of Injeolmi and Black Sesame Choco Pie Korean Snacks

Choco pies are relatively well-known Korean snacks. It’s so well-known that a North Korean soldier who risked his life crossing the border into the South reportedly requested for a Choco Pie.

What is a Choco Pie?

For those who don’t know what is a chocopie, they are a popular snack in South Korea and are often brought back as souvenirs. They are usually sold in boxes with each choco pie individually packed.

The classic choco pie is made of two small round cake layers with a marshmallow filling and an outer layer of chocolate. Other variations included red velvet, green tea and banana flavoured choco pies.

The latest Injeolmi and Black Sesame choco pies were launched in celebration of the Choco Pie’s 45th anniversary.

Injeolmi Choco Pie

The special thing about the two new choco pie flavours is the inclusion of the Korean traditional dessert, tteok, also known as a rice cake.

Upon unpackaging, I was greeted by strong whiffs of Injeolmi. First thing I noticed is that the Injeolmi choco pie, unlike the other choco pies, is not covered in the usual layer of chocolate. Instead, an almost golden-coloured layer of chocolate was wrapped around the snack.

A cross-section of the choco pie revealed a nice layer of marshmallow, some injeolmi flavoured jam.

Does It Taste Good?

After placing in the microwave for 5 seconds

I would say the Injeolmi taste was there but could have been more intense. If I was eating this in a hurry, I would not have realized the presence of the rice cake in the snack. It could take some time to find, but the tteok is hidden somewhere in the layer of cake.

I did think that this version of choco pie was not as sweet as the original, something which I appreciated.


If you love Injeolmi, this is worth a shot. A tip is to microwave your choco pie for 5 seconds, it instantly tastes better.

Black Sesame Choco Pie

Personally, I’m a fan of anything black sesame, and I had quite high expectations for this. I was hoping for some sort of black sesame flavoured layer surrounding the choco pie but nope, the black sesame choco pie looks just like the original choco pie. A cross-section revealed some traces of black sesame in the cake layers, a usual marshmallow layer and some black sesame jam.

Does It Taste Good?

After placing in the microwave for 5 seconds

First bite in and I was slightly disappointed. It tasted similar to the original choco pie. However, if you manage to get a bite of the black sesame jam, you can definitely taste the black sesame flavour instantly.


The black sesame fanatic in me was not satisfied, the black sesame flavour could have been deeper and more intense. If you didn’t know it was a black sesame chocopie, it could pass off as a normal chocopie. However, if you knew it was a black sesame chocopie, the taste makes sense as well.

Which Choco Pie To Try?

Overall, I would recommend the Injeolmi one over the Black Sesame one. I think they did the right decision by changing the coating of chocolate when making the Injeolmi chocopie. It resulted in a more defined Injeolmi flavour while the black sesame just didn’t leave as much of an impact.

One interesting thing to note is that the Injeolmi and Black Sesame choco pies contain fewer calories than the original chocopie. One original choco pie is roughly 130 calories, while the Injeolmi and Black Sesame ones are 117 calories each.

If you would like to experience for yourself how these new choco pies taste like, you can easily get them from Shopee.

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